All of our upcoming events are listed on our website with direct links for ticket booking.
Most of our venues are based around the city centre, no more than 30 minutes walk from Temple Meads station.
We encourage cycling, walking and using public transport to reach our venues. Information on accessible parking information can be found by visiting our venue partners website or by contacting our team during the festival period who will be able to advise.
We are working towards making Circus City accessible for all. All of our venues are wheelchair accessible and we aim to have a minimum of 50% of our programme to include either BSL or captioning, audio descriptions and touch tours, non-verbal work and relaxed performances.
We are championing creative access where possible and keen to work with artists and audiences to develop best practice to ensure our programme is accessible to all. If you have any access requirements or suggestions we would love to hear from you and will try our best to accommodate your needs.
1 – Bristol Grammar School, University RD, BS8 1SR – LA, WA, WC
2 – Cube Microplex, Dove St South, BS2 8JD
3 – Circomedia, Portland Square, BS2 8SJ, 0117 924 7615 – LA, WA, WC
4 – NA
5 – The Wardrobe Theatre, 25 West st, BS2 0DF, 0117 902 0344 – LA, WA, WC
6 – Trinity Centre, Trinity Rd, BS2 0NW, 0117 935 1200 – WA , WC
7 – All Hallows Hall, 13 All Hallows Rd, BS5 0HH – WA , WC
8 – Bristol Old Vic, King St, BS1 4ED, 0117 949 3993 – WA , WC
9 – Loco Klub, Clocktower Yard, BS1 6QH, 0117 941 3857 – LA, WA, WC
10 – The Vestibules, City Hall, College Green, Park St, BS1 5TR – LA, WA, WC
11 – NA
12 – NA
13 – Bristol Beacon, Colston St, Bristol BS1 5AR, 0117 203 4040 – LA, WA, WC
14 – Unit 15, Premier Business Park, Sussex Street, St Phillips, Bristol BS2 0RA – LA, WA, WC
15 – The Island, The Island, Nelson St, Bristol BS1 2LE, 0117 376 3457 – LA, WA, WC
LA = Level Access, WA = Wheelchair Access, WC = Wheelchair Accessible Toilets