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Kate Hartoch

We are looking for an Executive Director and a General Manager to join our team as we deliver Circus City festival 2023. Both roles

In summer 2022 we supported Nix Pretlove from Lavrak Circus and her team to start a new circus venue at one of our favourite

Handstand Arts (who manage Circus City) are pleased to be partners in this new, paid showcasing opportunity for artists and companies based in England

Handstand Arts are holding what we believe is the Circus world’s first Virtual Reality (VR) meeting! You are invited to create yourself an avatar

Handstand Arts ran an industry survey in June 2020 about artists’ and bookers’ experiences of showcasing and sharing circus work. The report can be

We are currently researching and developing a way to share new circus performance remotely with programmers around the world. This will see 3 x

We are over the moon about being awarded 2 year Imagination funding for Circus City 2021 from Bristol City Council! These funds will enable

As part of Filwood’s Fantastic Illuminations on Saturday 1st November, we’re bringing the amazing Midnight Playground to Bristol. They have 100 LED hula hoops

Way back in May we started planning our photoshoot. We scouted for locations with the idea of using a crane to rig some straps

Our first consultation of 2019 will be on 1st June at the Arts Mansion, Bristol In conjunction with the Futur Ville event Equity is

We’re getting excited about our plans for Autumn 2019 which will see Circus City take over Bristol for the 3rd time. This year will

Handstand Arts CIO is a brand new organisation that will manage Circus City. Our small board is looking for new members to join us